Standards & Guidelines
Nurse anesthetists have been providing anesthesia care and related services to patients in the United States for more than 150 years. Today, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) earn a doctoral degree and meet continued professional certification requirements throughout their career.

Essential to CRNA practice is a thorough understanding of and adherence to the profession’s standards and guidelines which are collected in the AANA Professional Practice Manual. This authoritative resource informs and guides CRNAs and student registered nurse anesthetists in the provision of safe, high-quality, effective anesthesia care and related services. Published by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA), the contents of the Professional Practice Manual are regularly reviewed, updated, and expanded by the anesthesia experts who comprise the AANA Practice Committee. Changes to the manual are evidence-based and reflect the evolution of the specialty through peer-reviewed, published research data.
The manual includes the following 10 sections:
- Code of Ethics
- Scope of Practice
- Standards
- Guidelines
- Position Statements
- Practice Considerations
- Policy Considerations
- Joint Position Statements
- Forms and Resources (for anesthesia business)
- Infographics (on patient-election criteria)
Access the AANA Professional Practice Manual